An Appeal for Donations

Ptaah Since I'm already on this topic I for once would also like to send my special thanks to all the members of FIGU-Japan because what they do and manage to accomplish is admirable. They all do a really very large and valuable work whose worth cannot be overlooked.

Billy I also agree with you concerning this, because it is actually incredible what remarkable human beings they are and what they accomplish. I would also like to mention our core group members in the same breath, because without them, the mission would not have been able to progress to the worldwide scale of what it is today. It is also unthinkable where everything would be today if they all had not brought to bear their abilities and financial resources and had not stood by me. We have to thank them all for everything on the great successes as well as the members of the passive group, FIGU-Japan and all the other FIGU groups as well as friends worldwide who support us financially and also support the Mission through their own efforts and actions and continue to do so in the future.

Ptaah My deep appreciation goes out to them as well.

Billy Thank you for your words, which everyone will learn of when this conversation is made public.

Whoever feels spoken to by Ptaah's and Billy's words and would like to make a financial contribution, they can do so by making a deposit to the following bank account setup for the book ‹Kelch der Wahrheit›:

Account Number 21281.25

IBAN CH26 8137 8000 0021 2812 5
Note/comment «Book Translation»
(«Kelch der Wahrheit» and in general) for FIGU Freie Interessengemeinschaft

Bank: Raiffeisenkasse Bichelsee-Turbenthal
Geschäftsstelle Turbenthal
Bahnhofstrasse 6
CH-8488 Turbenthal

BC-No. 81378
Raiffeisen Schweiz
Raiffeisenplatz, Postfach, 9001 St. Gallen

Swift: RAIFCH22

The Core Group of 49 has decided that the first English-German edition of ‹Kelch der Wahrheit› will be printed and edited in the same excellent bookbinding quality as the book ‹OM›. This will happen under our own supervision and after termination of the approximately two-year translation process.