To all the Governments ...

But this will only be useful when the root cause of all the troubles is finally recognised and the radical countermeasures are seized. However, neither all the high-level responsible ones of Earth nor the individual human beings of Earth’s population want to recognise and fight this root cause of all troubles. The main reason for this refusal is the human being’s presumed freedom, to do whatever he likes – even regardless of the losses – or to be more precise, without consideration that the climate and the world are being shaken at their foundation and are slowly but surely being destroyed through this incorrect freedom of deciding for oneself regarding the fulfilment of ones own wishes and desires etc.
The fundamental problem of all catastrophes and troubles is found in the factor overpopulation because it alone is responsible for all the destruction, the global warming and ecological devastation, the energy and water shortages as well as the human being’s degenerations of the worst kind, and all other troubles. Also the ever growing open prostitution and crime as well as the problems of asylum seekers and refugees, the neo-nazism and all other small and large problems stem from overpopulation. And when madmen, like e.g. the Pope and other irresponsible ones, plead for human beings to «go forth and multiply» then such elements are equal to ideological and religious terrorists and fanatics as well as political and war criminals – also known as state powers and their vassals, who, in the name of their land, alleged security and freedom and alleged fight against terrorism, commit murder through the use of their military and secret services. In view of the widespread overpopulation and its resulting worldwide troubles, unsolvable problems and blatantly increasing catastrophes among human beings and in nature, it really is a contemptible crime without parallel against the climate and planet when more descendants are pleaded for, instead of putting a stop to it and only allowing descendants when an appropriate legal regulation permits it. The irresponsible ones who nevertheless demand the reproduction madness, or even support it or who are in a responsible position and do not stop it through decisive laws, should be punished extremely hard. This applies to governments and every single person of the population. This appears to be an extreme measure and an interference in the individual’s private sphere, an argument always put forward as a defence for the private sphere by egoists and those who do not have the necessary ability to understand, form concepts, draw conclusions, judge and think. In a certain way it may seem so, yet in regards to a rigorous and controlled birth stop, the private sphere must be conceded if the terrestrial world is to be kept as a functioning planet and Earth’s human beings are to survive in the end. Out of pure reason and understanding there is just as much value in giving up a certain part of the private sphere in favour of the survival of the human race as there is in giving up the egoism of the alleged right to be able to do whatever one likes. If this does not happen then it can be foreseen at this stage, that the final destruction of the planet Earth and the decline of Earth’s humanity or their miserable “vegetating away“ is only a question of time. That is why it is necessary for all individuals to be aware of their own responsibility in every respect and also to restrict the right of their own private sphere, as far as the procreation of offspring is concerned.