Excerpt from FIGU Special Bulletin No. 58 ...

... , January 2011 Reader’s Question about the ‹Talmud Jmmanuel›

Reader’s Question:

Dear Billy, I was told that you will correct various partly incorrectly translated words/terms and partly unconscious omissions of Isa Rashid in the new, upcoming edition of the ‹Talmud Jmmanuel›. Can you tell us some more details about this in one of the next FIGU Bulletins? Many cordial thanks.
Salome, Dyson Devine, Tasmania, Australia

Dear Dyson Devine
The new version of the ‹Talmud Jmmanuel›, revised from the ground up, is not comparable with the previous edition. In the course of the current inspection of the Talmud by the kitchen-correction-group, which deals on Wednesday and Friday evenings with the proofreading of various writings, it quickly turned out that Markus-Isa Rashid, which was his full name, did not translate various terms into their actual forms, as, for example, the term JHWH, for which he used the term ‹GOD› throughout, or the term ‹Virgin Mary› which is likewise taken from religious terminology, because always, in the ‹Talmud Jmmanuel›, only the ‹young woman Mary› is spoken of, which is, of course, a fundamental difference. This led to the fact that Billy asked Ptaah for the right forms of the words and involved him in the inspection work, which then, in turn, led to the fact that even the Arahat Athersata level was called upon, in order to be able to bring the ‹Talmud Jmmanuel› back into its original form. The complete, original writings were no longer available even to the Plejaren – since a transcript or a copy had never been made of these – due to the destruction of the original scrolls by a fire in one of the refugee camps, in which, at times, Markus Isa Rashid stayed, together with his family. In each case, in order to preserve them, the Plejaren had simply taken the already translated parts of the original scrolls of the ‹Talmud Jmmanuel›, which were no longer needed after a certain time. But since, at the time of the destruction of the Talmud, there was only about a quarter of the originals, the Plejaren also lacked the largest part of the original writings. This was, among other things, the reason why the Arahat Athersata level was included, as it alone still had access to the original texts, which, in their entirety, are stored in its level. Moreover, the Arahat Athersata level is also the only source which can provide information about certain terminologies in the ‹Talmud Jmmanuel›, the original of which was written in the Old Aramaic language, since not even the highly learned Plejaren linguists could fathom certain ancient terms, precisely as these were used by Judas Ischkerioth in the documentation.
Even the name, ‹Judas Isharioth›, according to the Arahat Athersata level, has been written incorrectly since time immemorial and, therefore, was also handed down incorrectly. In reality, Jmmanuel’s literate disciple was just called Judas Ischkerioth. This will likewise be corrected in the new ‹Talmud Jmmanuel›.
Since the question was also raised as to whether Markus-Isa Rashid was contacted by the Plejaren personally, I quote below a portion of the explanations from the new ‹Talmud Jmmanuel›: «In Volume 1 of the ‹Pleiadian/Plejaren Contact Reports›, pages 57–58, in the Seventh (7th) Contact of the 25th of February, 1975, 6:02 pm, an explanation of Semjase’s is found regarding a certain M. Rashid (sentence 2543). For people who have not yet dealt extensively with the Contact Reports, her words allow the conclusion that Rashid – who, in reality, wanted to be called just Isa, and not by his first name, Markus – was contacted by the Plejaren directly, therefore, not through impulses. But this was, in fact, only indirectly so, because Semjase only meant by, «… one of our contact people», that Isa Rashid was contacted by them – the Plejaren – through impulses. She explained the following at that time, which I now set right, with regard to the correctness of the history, with notes inserted in parentheses:

Semjase: … First, I would like to answer your question which you asked me last time: M. Rashid (Note from Billy: His full name was Markus-Isa Rashid, but he called himself only Isa Rashid) was one of our contact people, since 1956 (Note from Billy: These were only impulse contacts). As you do know, he was a priest (Note from Billy: lay priest) of the Greek Orthodox Catholic Church. We engaged him (Note from Billy: through impulses) to take several things in hand, which he also promised to us that he would do. (Note from Billy: According to Ptaah’s statement, he simply let himself be led through the impulses.) Thus, we thought that he would be the right man to solve a very difficult task.