Punishment must be ...

A humanitarian execution of the penalty has to be in a way that the fallible persons get a useful instruction in all matters concerning a honest and just as well as reverent and dignified conduct of life and concerning the value of all life, where too, the practice of meditation has to be considered. Also, one condition has to be, to show the way to reach inner peace as well as inner freedom and harmony and the way that fallible persons can free themselves from any feeling of guilt in case it appears. But, the execution of the penalty also necessitates that no hatred and no unkindness is shown for the fallible persons but love and confidence, so they are able to have a good look at these things and are also able to learn from it. If punishments are designed in a way, that the fallible persons are not being excluded from society for a lifetime, but are set free, then it has to be worked towards them turning into a honest, affable, social and content, as well as industrious human being before they are released.

This change must be of a kind that the trust in the changed human being is right again and it is again able to live human values and thus can live in the community of society again.

If one looks at the affable persons today, it is sadly noticed, that especially teenagers get caught in the wheels of law and get punished. They are male and female teenagers, whose lives have actually just begun, but these lives are already ruined due to various circumstances. It may be alcohol, a certain inhibition from work, the tendency towards luxury and pleasure, the use of drugs, bad company, a lack of experience, prostitution, or a socially difficult milieu, by which they are tempted to do wrongs and to get into conflict with the law. But often it is also the fault of the parental upbringing, which often leaves a lot more to be desired than it is good for the teenagers. And all this, both the wrong and insufficient upbringing and the conduct of wrongs, occurs in at a point, when children and teenagers haven't had the time yet to gain experiences, to educate themselves in the right way and to get clarity in their minds, what the meaning of life after all is and what to do with their life. But, one has to ask, how the parents shall pass on the right education and the right guidance for life to the children and teenagers, if they themselves have not a clue of these matters?

For each fallible human being, young or already older, the advice shall be given, never to give up hope for being able to improve oneself and to integrate oneself into society with all its duties and responsibilities. But the motivation and the insight as well as the will for it has to be created, because only by doing this, it can be thought, felt and acted positively and everything can be lead into suitable ways. Every human being is able to change itself, to improve, and to make the best out of itself. Every human being has a brain, which normally is the same as the neighbour's and also has the same potential, which only has to be used. Thus it is given that even if the human being is unknowing and consciously confused, there is hope that everything turns to the better and positive progresses are achieved. Thus only the one will fail, who loses courage, the will to progress, to the better, and to the valuable. Thus every human being, the fallible too, is only as poor in all things of existence, in its thoughts and feelings, in its love, and the inner freedom as in its joy and harmony, as well as in its happiness and the inner peace, as it sees everything and as it makes everything within itself.